
The Workspace is the area on your computers disk where Analyzer stores settings, preferences and repositories (by default). The default location for the workspace is a new folder (named WebPerformance) in the user home folder. On Windows systems, this is usually in "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>".

Changing the workspace location

The workspace can be moved to any location that can be accessed by the program, including network mounted drives. After moving the workspace, Analyzer will need to know where to find the workspace. In the installation folder (by default on Windows is "C:\Program Files\Web Performance Load Tester <version>") there is a subfolder named config. In this folder there is a file named config.ini. Edit this file in a plain-text editor (e.g. notepad) and look for a line starting with "osgi.instance.area=".


It should look like:

# set the workspace location






There are a number of options for this setting.

  1. @noDefault - this allows Analyzer to choose automatically - it will use the folder described above by default.
  2. workspace - simply entering a folder name will cause Analyzer to create a subfolder with the chosen name under Analyzer's installation folder. In this example it would result in "C:\Program Files\WPLoadTesterNN\workspace"
  3. @user.home/WPWorkspaceNN - this will cause Analyzer to use a folder inside the user home folder with the specified name. In this example it would result in "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\WPWorkspaceNN".
  4. The last option is to specify a fully qualified path to the folder where the workspace has been moved to. Note that on Windows systems, the backslash (\) characters must be doubled since the backslash is the escape character for this configuration file.