Toolbar buttons

The toolbars provide quick access to frequently-used operations. All toolbar options should display a tooltip when hovered.


Project File


Create, open, save, or close a Load Tester project file.


These options include drop-down menus to create new resources (such as datasets or load configurations), open recently-used project files, and save projects under a new name.



Undo and redo. Cut, copy, paste and delete. Rename a resource or edit its properties. View reports.


Most of the options will be familiar to all computer users. Usually, you can also access these options by right-clicking on a resource to bring up its contextual pop-up menu.

Record & Replay


Utilities, record, replay, run en-masse, and stop.


The tool drop-down menu provides utility functions, such as DNS lookup and the bandwidth test wizard.


The record button starts a new recording. This is how most testcases are created.


The "new page" button inserts a page break while a recording is underway. This feature is rarely needed, but some long-poll (comet-style) AJAX calls will break Load Tester's automatic page divider. If this happens to you, just click this button during natural pauses in your recording.


The stop button stops any ongoing activity, whether a recording, a replay, or a load test.


The single-play button replays a testcase with think time. The fast-play button replays a testcase as rapidly as circumstances will allow.


The pause, transaction-step, and page-step buttons allow you to micro-manage the replay of a testcase. The pause button can also hold a load test in a steady-state pattern temporarily.


The four-arrow play button starts a load test.



The testcase editor toolbar is only visible when a testcase editor is active. Includes options to change how the testcase is displayed and to ask Load Tester to automatically configure a testcase according to its built-in configuration rules.